Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

It been quite some time since I last updated my blog, as 2011 is approaching the end soon, so I thought it might be a good time to update my blog.
Time really fly past fast and 2011 is coming to an end and 2012 is approaching, with the new year arriving, I realised I have many things which I have not accomplish yet. So I guess I got to bring forward to next year!

31 Dec is a good day for celebration but somehow, I have no programs in my mind. So I guess I will be at home to watch the countdown show.

2012 is a new year and I think I should reflect my new year resolutions here:
> I have yet to finish revising my CCNA, I hope I would have the time to study for it and pass it.
> I be starting my new job soon, I hope I will have an enjoyable time in this new company.
> My website is still under development, I hope to publish it by year 2012.
> Got so many xbox 360 games to complete, please give me more time.
> Will be giving a serious consideration on whether should I sell my car.

I hope to do more in 2012 and to accomplish my tasks soon.

Taking this opportunity to wish myself, my friends, my cousins and my colleagues a happy new year 2012! May the new year be a better year...  ^_^