Sunday, July 15, 2012

First DSLR phototaking @ NDP 2012 Fireworks + Singapore Flyer + Garden by the Bay

About a week ago, I had bought my first DSLR camera and yesterday I brought it out to test the camera function.

Since NDP is coming, decided to make a trip to the Esplanade bridge to watch the NDP fireworks! But since morning the weather is not very good, raining and thunderstorm. However, still decide to give it a try since the rain stop around 4.30pm. Gather my camera and tripod, started to make my way to Esplanade.
When I reach there, the Esplanade bridge is already quite crowded, and alot of people is equipped with DSLR camera too. I quickly setup mine too while waiting for my friend to arrive. And I try my first shot!

After a few shots, the weather start to have dark clouds and it started to have light rain, oh really spoilt the day. But I still decide to stay on and see if the weather will improve...

Look at the dark clouds...

After about 20 minutes, my friend arrive and he quickly help me set my camera settings. Thanks to him he arrive in time to catch the fireworks and the best is he brought an umbrella along! And very soon our camera settings are done and we take a few shots to test the result...


I love the result of DSLR camera!

And very soon the fireworks starts and I am busy taking my best shots...

After the fireworks ended, me and my friend decide to continue our phototaking @ Singapore Flyer & Garden by the Bay. Sounds good and we move on... but was overcrowded by the people leaving the floating platform... So we decide to chill out at Kopi-O inside Esplanade before moving on. At the same time, we order drinks and take a look at our photos we taken.

After about 30 minutes rest, we started to walk to Marina Bay Sands, and it is a long walk! The night was quite warm and the rain had stop.
Upon entering the Garden by the bay, we started out photoshooting again!

And very soon, it was 11.50pm by the time we finish taking the photos! We quickly packed our equipments and catch the last train @ Bayfront MRT. Luckily we manged to catch the last train and I got to go back to Esplanade to retrieve my car! Both of us are tired and sweaty but the photos we took, made us think all is worthwhile. Ok, next round is daytime shooting, stay tuned!