Monday, May 28, 2007

My First Blog...

It's a Monday evening... or I should say late evening... 28 May 07.

Came across this blogger website and suddenly decided to create my own blog. Had heard of this stuff for quite some time, but didn't have the time to explore it. Now, I understand what is call blogging.

It is term as a blog because it is much simpler than creating a webpage. Although I had learn html language before, writting and creating webpage using html codes is tiring and time consuming. However, I am desire to create my own webpage.. so I started off with blogging first.
Blogging is much simpler and I just had to edit my own template and could upload pictures, blog, etc... or even sound clips. From what I knew of, 3G handphones enable us to blog too.. I could just snap any photos that I fancy and upload to this blog.. and bingo, my blog is always updated then...

So much from what I know about blogging, I will continue to explore this stuff and hope to create my very own webpage in the near future!

Sign off,
Yake Siang

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