Sunday, July 25, 2010

Desaru Road Trip (24 Jul 2010)

I had planned to go Desaru with my NCS colleagues, so on 24 Jul, I make my way to Kranji Mrt to meet up with my friends. We decide to convoy together to Desaru. We met at about 10 am and travel together to Woodlands Checkpoint. Traffic was quite ok, slight traffic jam. After passing by both checkpoints, we make our way to the nearest Shell station to meet up with the rest.

It is about 11.30am when we cleared the customs and reach this Shell station to meet up. We wait for the rest to arrive and grab a bite for the long journey. It will take about 1.5 hrs to reach there, distance is about 150km, east of Malaysia.

We having a discussion on how to convoy together, one of my friends even brought a walkie talkie!

While waiting for the rest to arrive, I top up my petrol to full tank. When all had arrived, we started our journey. Along the way, it was enjoyable and I enjoy the scenery. Long time didn't had chance to relax. But the road was bumpy and we have to stick to around 70 km/h.

When we reach there, it was 1.15pm. Just nice for lunch. We decided to join the package tour which include a buffet lunch, buffet fruits and a guided fruit farm/animal tour. We pay RM45 each person, quite worth it.

Enjoying the scenery before I had my lunch, really good place to unwind.

A few ducks wandering around the pond.

This is the place where we will have our lunch.

My lunch, not very tempting, just simple dishes, but I enjoy it as I was too hungry already.

Oops, my friend took this picture when I was busy eating...

After lunch, we walk around and notice this bee house.

We gather around while waiting for the bus to bring us to the tour.

This is the "transport" we going to take. All of us laugh, wonder if this pick up can move. As our group is too small, they have to arrange this transport. Those who join the big tour bus will have better transport.

Our journey to the fruit farm...

Along the tour, I took some photos of the fruits and now I know how to differentiate between different kinds of trees. Enjoy the pictures...

This tour guide giving us an introduction...

This is a Dragon fruit tree.

This is a Mango tree.

A very large Jackfruit.

A rambutan tree.

Banana tree, very weird one, and cannot be consumed.

This is guava tree.

Can see how hungry the fishes are!

A mini crocodile.

Naughty monkey!

Adorable rabbits!

A quiet goat, waiting for someone to feed...

A cute Hamster.

Mini mouse... they are so small...

Welcome to Rabbit Park, oh, the children are enjoying playing with the rabbits!

This Ostrich was a big one, it stretch it neck while I was taking its picture, I have to stand further away, haha...

A baby monkey.

As we make our trip back to collect our cars, we proceed to our next destination, which is the Ostrich Farm. The journey was about 30 minutes.

After we park our cars, we pay RM12 each person for entry to the ostrich farm.

My ticket for entry to the farm.

At the entrance of the farm, we notice this Ostrich egg. Wow, the size is huge!

This is an Ostrich egg. Super big, high in protein.

The staff demonstrating how to use a drill to extract the egg yolk and egg white.

Our appetiser before dinner, Ostrich omelette and Ostrich satay.

I enjoying the Ostrich omelette and Ostrich satay.

After the Ostrich farm visit, the sky is turning dark. We proceed to the nearby restaurant for dinner before heading back to Singapore.

This is the place we had our dinner.

After we had our dinner, we discussed how to convoy back. As the sky is really turning dark, we must stick together during the journey. We promised to look out for each other.

We having a discussion again before heading back to Singapore.

During the journey, the road was super dark and luckily I had fog lamp on my car. Finally after a long ride, we reach the checkpoint safely. We top up our petrol again and make our way home.
I enjoyed this trip and hope to have another road trip again!

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