Thursday, November 8, 2007

Super Import Nights @ Expo (08 Nov 07)

Super Import Nights... This is an ever good car show I had ever been to... had seen the movie Toyko Drift, this is a real drift right here at S'pore Expo. The smell of burning rubber really make the show a hot one! I like the Mitshubishi Evo (Blue colour car as below), the sound of the exhaust is really loud. Below are some of the photos I had taken:

Once inside the expo, i immediately notice this lotus car! Wow, the shine is extremely bright and the design is really nice.

Wow, the babes are posing there for all to shoot... expecially the one on the right, her smile is really sweet!

Mazda Rx8... this lady pose a good position for me to take a photograph of her. I smile at her and thanks her for the good take!

Below is a video clip of the drift!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Joanne Farewell Dinner

28 Sept 07, we as a unit of 6FSD gather together at Sakura restaurant to bid farewell to our Ex officer, Joanne. The photo below shows two of our colleagues going to have a friendly match of eating pudding! There is a total of 5 puddings, see who can eat all of them first... haha

Haha, Jimmy finally got his 5 years good service medal.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Siting Farewell & Eugene Birthday

22 Sep 07 @ PartyWorld KTV, Cuppage.
Have not met Eugene for quite some time, so this is a time to get together
to celebrate his birthday. Hope he enjoy himself and we have a good time, singing all night long.
First time Siting join us for KTV, we really enjoy ourselves. From a group of 8 persons, reduce to only 5, haha... and she is the only lady that night. She had quit her job and found a new job, wish her all the best in her new job.
Had uploaded the photos from my mobile phone, haha, but not very clear...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sony Ericsson M600i

I had been looking for a PDA phone for quite sometime... a full packed feature without camera feature is what I am looking for... some phone satisfy my criteria but the prices are abit steep.

Since I own a Sony Ericsson K800i, i find the function quite heavily packed.. especially the built-in 3.2 megapixel camera. Therefore I had made up my mind to buy the Sony Ericsson M600i.

This phone came with a stylus pen and allow tapping on the screen.. quite not use to it initially, but beginning to love it as the function is very good. I can do away with small notebook and record my important stuffs on it. With the expandable memory card of 2GB, I can load it with loads of mp3 and pictures.
I will continue to explore its function and will be back to discuss what I have found.

Monday, May 28, 2007

My First Blog...

It's a Monday evening... or I should say late evening... 28 May 07.

Came across this blogger website and suddenly decided to create my own blog. Had heard of this stuff for quite some time, but didn't have the time to explore it. Now, I understand what is call blogging.

It is term as a blog because it is much simpler than creating a webpage. Although I had learn html language before, writting and creating webpage using html codes is tiring and time consuming. However, I am desire to create my own webpage.. so I started off with blogging first.
Blogging is much simpler and I just had to edit my own template and could upload pictures, blog, etc... or even sound clips. From what I knew of, 3G handphones enable us to blog too.. I could just snap any photos that I fancy and upload to this blog.. and bingo, my blog is always updated then...

So much from what I know about blogging, I will continue to explore this stuff and hope to create my very own webpage in the near future!

Sign off,
Yake Siang