Saturday, February 27, 2010

Project City: Part 2 - Mugen window visors / carbon fibre stickers / exhaust tip

I was checking out Honda forum and happen to see this website:

This shop was rather a small shop but with lots of accessories, then while scrolling down, I see Mugen visors for my car model. Immediately sms the shop owner and he told me he do not have stock for my city but he can order for me and the stock would arrive in 2 days time...

2 days later, the shop owner sms me to come down to pick up my stock. Happily I make my way to the shop and when I arrive there, saw him doing carbon fibre on a customer car. He hand over the visors to me and ask me if I want the diffuser as well. More poisons, well, the deal is rather tempting, he offer me both items (window visors & diffuser) for $100. I think it is rather acceptable and took the offer. 

This project took about one week to complete as I return to his shop 5 days later to do my carbon fibre. The following pictures will explain this project in details:

This is the front view of the shop, a rather small shop but the accessories is reasonable.

This is the mugen visors, still in original packing, cost $59, but I took the deal of $100 to buy both the visors and diffuser, good deal.

Notice the packing says it is made in Malaysia, but I just take it, the original Mugen would cost alot more. Luckily it uses 3M tape.

A close up view, notice the label read "思迪". So "city" is call "思迪" in chinese? I am puzzled...

Upon unpacking, I notice the material is quite good, very shiny and smooth. This is for the front window.

And of course this is for the rear window.

This is the diffuser I am referring to. Or sometimes it is called voltex generator. Still in original packing...

After unpacking, notice it is extremely shiny. Too bad it is available only in black colour. I ask around if re-spray to body colour, most of the paint shop quote me $100 to $150, very expensive, so I have to decide to let it stay as black colour or re-spray, still can't decide at this moment.

At the same time, I bought the some stickers to complement my visors as well...

After I have this mugen visors, I kept thinking about the carbon fibre stickers. I wanted to do on my window pillars and he quote me $60. I told him I would considered, meanwhile I went to autobacs @ Ubi to check out the price. My god, the price was super high, a 60cm x 40 cm cost about $40 and the design available are not that attracting. I keep thinking and finally decide to let the guy do for me as the cost would be more if I DIY it myself.

I was driving around Ubi road and then happen to past by Mcwell ventures. It been some time since I been to their shop so decide to stop by and see see look look. As usual, there are lots of stickers available...

These are the stickers I end up buying @ Mcwell ventures, quite a deal, they gave me a further discount, so total i pay $16 for 4 stickers.

5 days later, I went to the shop again to do my carbon fibre. The guy is ready to do the installation as I had made prior appointment with him.

This is the final view after the installation. Very nice material.

This is the view before I will remove my old visors. Was thinking if can sell off this visors, any interested buyers???

This is the view after I had install the mugen visors, wow, I like this design. Notice the orange stickers on the front door, I am going to remove it as I find it not so nice...

This is a close up view, notice the curve design, this is the mugen design.

This is the view after I affixed the mugen stickers, nice right???

A pity, I need to remove this stickers as well. This area have to be replaced by carbon fibre stickers.

This is the view after the rear window is affixed with carbon fibre. Then the guy poison me more by offering me to stick on the fuel lid as well. Haiz, I am easily poison...

This is a close up view of the fuel lid with carbon fibre sticker, nice? Any comments???

As I was about to leave the shop, the guy poison me again and offered to change my exhaust tip to a more fierce one. OMG, his offers are always irresistable...

This is my old exhaust tip, actually quite nice but I prefer my new exhaust tip.
Any interested buyer to buy this???

This is my new exhaust tip, cost $80, I like the fierce look. Abit like Mitsubishi Evolution exhaust tip...

Rear view.

This is the rear view, nice tip!

That's all for this project. Spent too much $$$, have to stop this poison for some time. Stay tuned for updates!

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