Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Petrol consumption going up!

Today on my way back after work, I was cruisng on AYE when I suddenly caught the low fuel indicator light up on the panel. I am abit shocked and quickly look for the nearest petrol station. See picture below...

I was cruising @ 80km/h and took this picture, luckily no traffic police.

When I am near to the petrol station (Esso), I took another picture to show the total mileage...

The reading is around 456km, not that fuel efficent anymore.

Last time, it use to hit 550km per tank, now it is always about 450km per tank before the next petrol top up. But guess due to me caught in traffic jam everyday and stop & go @ traffic lights. Last time used to travel on highway and that explain why it can hit a higher mileage. Nevertheless, it is still acceptable and Honda city fuel consumption is still better than alot of car models!


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