Tuesday, April 20, 2010

S.H.E is the One 新加坡 慶功感謝會 (18 Apr 2010)

The day after S.H.E concert, I went to Plaza Singapura for their autograph session. The event will start at 5pm, but when I reached there around 3.45pm, the crowd was already beginning to increase. From the 93.3 DJ announcement, there are people who had queue overnight, straight after their concert on 17 Apr 2010, they rush over from Indoor Stadium!

I tried to find my best spot to take photos, but the crowds was overwhelming. This time there are two large LED TVs to broadcast the event, I try to move secretly to the front, beside some restaurants & cafe, but the security guard stop me, no choice, I go back to my far away spot...

Still managed to catch some photos, and is with alot of effort!

See, I am so far from the stage, this photo is zoom from far!

No choice, take photo and video from the LED screen.

The man in red blocking my view, end up, can't capture Hebe & Ella, why must he stand so tall...

Capture from LED screen, Hebe looks abit quiet.

This is a moment for the media to interview S.H.E

Still can't capture them, I hate those men standing infront!

The autograph session starts, still can't get a good view, capture from LED screen again....  :-(

Before I join the queue for the autograph, I saw a booth selling this S.H.E lanyard for $20. Without much hesitation, quickly bought it and proceed to queue up. This product also came with a free poster, double sided. Poster size too big to show it here.

Yes, caught Hebe in my photo, the people are constantly moving, must wait for opportunity to strike, haha...

After I queue for nearly 3 hours, I got my autograph. I go back to my previous spot and wait patiently for the crowd to go away, and bingo, and when the autograph session is about to end, they open the barriers and I rush in, of course there are other people race with me, haha!
I managed to get to the front and wow, I am so near to S.H.E! At the same time, I have to protect my autograph stuffs, and the people are pushing me from behind, I know I am in for a tough time.

See, got people push me, image become blurred.

I zoom in on Hebe, got it with much effort.

Finally, the last person finish his autograph and S.H.E stands up and prepare to leave. Wow, the crowds are all flashing their cameras, I quickly snap my photos too.

They are getting ready to sign on the big poster on the stage, juz behind them.

After they sign on the big poster, they took a group photo, this is a moment not to be missed! Luckily I got it.

This is my best shot ever. No blocking. How I wish I am inside this group photo!

Can see how near I am to the stage? And they look so pretty, especially Hebe!

Got people push me again, image blurred.

Another great shot, Selina also so pretty.

This is a 'H.I.M' stamp on my right arm, for entry to the autograph session.

This is their autograph on my Osim ukimono mini diary, got it free as I purchase the ukimono mini @ $99.

I used the coupons which is included in the S.H.E album, to exchange for this free gifts, sticky notepad. I got 2 albums so I got 2 coupons, and exchange for 2 sticky notepads.

For this autograph session, they will only sign on the autograph card, which can be exchange using the original S.H.E album. I got 2 albums, so I can exchange for 2 autograph cards. And I checked with the event team, they will sign on both cards and the diary as well, so in total, I got 3 autographs, hurray!

This is another card, I will treasure these autographed cards, thinking of laminating them for added protection.

Finally, the whole session ends, I am very tired but I have good returns. I also witness them board the minibus and see them go away... totally no chance to take any photos as the people are all blocking my view and they are going crazy.
Hope to see them soon and wished them have a safe journey back to Taiwan for the concert in May 2010, also hope to see them again next year!

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